6 Notes
6.1 Stamp function
The stamp
function can be used to highlight the nodes with colored rectangles.
ggraph(pathway("ko00270"), layout="manual", x=x, y=y)+

6.2 Parsing of the module definition
For module describing multiple lines of the definition (e.g. M00897
), the module
function tries to parse them separately. These definitions will be assigned the number (in character
mod <- module("M00899")
defs <- get_module_attribute(mod, "definitions")
#> $definition_block
#> [1] "K00878"
#> $definition_kos
#> [1] "K00878"
#> $definition_num_in_block
#> [1] 1
#> $definition_ko_in_block
#> $definition_ko_in_block[[1]]
#> [1] "K00878"
#> $definition_block
#> [1] "((K00941 K00788),K14153,K21219)"
#> $definition_kos
#> [1] "K00941" "K00788" "K14153" "K21219"
#> $definition_num_in_block
#> [1] 4
#> $definition_ko_in_block
#> $definition_ko_in_block[[1]]
#> [1] "K00941" "K00788" "K14153" "K21219"
## Extract definition 2
mod |>
module_text("2") |> ## return data.frame
plot_module_text() ## wrapper function

6.3 Parsing of reactions in the pathway
In the devel
branch of ggkegg
, the KGML of the following reactions (https://www.genome.jp/entry/R00863) in ko00270
are parsed in the below format by default.
<reaction id="237" name="rn:R00863" type="irreversible">
<substrate id="183" name="cpd:C00606"/>
<product id="238" name="cpd:C00041"/>
<product id="236" name="cpd:C09306"/>
reac <- pathway("ko00270")
reac |> activate(edges) |> data.frame() |> filter(reaction=="rn:R00863")
#> from to type subtype_name subtype_value
#> 1 91 128 irreversible substrate <NA>
#> 2 128 129 irreversible product <NA>
#> 3 128 127 irreversible product <NA>
#> reaction reaction_id pathway_id
#> 1 rn:R00863 237 ko00270
#> 2 rn:R00863 237 ko00270
#> 3 rn:R00863 237 ko00270
These edges correspond to the relationship between compound substrate
or product
and reaction (orthology)
nodes. These edges are kept for the conversion in process_reaction
, where substrate
and product
are directly connected by edges.
reac2 <- reac |> process_reaction()
node_df <- reac2 |> activate(nodes) |> data.frame()
reac2 |> activate(edges) |> data.frame() |>
filter(reaction=="rn:R00863") |>
mutate(from_name=node_df$name[from], to_name=node_df$name[to])
#> from to type subtype_name subtype_value
#> 1 91 129 irreversible <NA> <NA>
#> 2 91 127 irreversible <NA> <NA>
#> reaction reaction_id pathway_id name bgcolor
#> 1 rn:R00863 <NA> <NA> ko:K09758 #BFBFFF
#> 2 rn:R00863 <NA> <NA> ko:K09758 #BFBFFF
#> fgcolor from_name to_name
#> 1 #000000 cpd:C00606 cpd:C00041
#> 2 #000000 cpd:C00606 cpd:C09306
6.4 Interpolation in the raster image
The annotation_custom
is used in overlay_raw_map
. The interpolate
option can be specified.
ggraph(pathway("hsa04110"), layout="manual", x=x, y=y) + overlay_raw_map(interpolate=TRUE) + theme_void()

ggraph(pathway("hsa04110"), layout="manual", x=x, y=y) + overlay_raw_map(interpolate=FALSE) + theme_void()