Chapter 6 The other options

6.2 Discretization

If passed an option disc=TRUE, the continuous variables are discretized using arules::discretize function (Hahsler et al. 2011). The discretization of the gene expression data is discussed in Gallo et al. (2016). If the same discretization is to be applied on the other data like the training and test dataset, you can pass the training samples to tr option, and if some variables are not intended to be discretized, you should pass the column name to remainCont.

bngeneplot(results = pway, exp = vsted, pathNum = 1, disc=TRUE, layout="sugiyama")

6.3 Custom visualization

6.3.1 The glowing nodes and edges

In addition to the normal plot, custom function of visualization is implemented (bngeneplotCustom and bnpathplotCustom). For example, to effectively visualize the hub genes and edges with high strength by glowing the respective nodes and edges, below is an example using an idea of ggCyberPunk. Additionally, the edge and node colors are fully customizable.

cl = parallel::makeCluster(6)
bngeneplotCustom(results = pway,
                exp = vsted,
                expSample = incSample,
                R=50, cl=cl, layout="nicely", fontFamily="sans",
                pathNum = c(4), strType="normal", sizeDep=TRUE, dep=dep,
                showDir=FALSE, hub=5, glowEdgeNum=5,
                strThresh=0.6, strengthPlot = TRUE)

For the demonstrative purpose, using the palettes and fonts of vapoRwave and showtext, the other visualizations are possible. Note that in custom visualization, only the network plot and strength barplot are supported.

## Use alien encounter fonts (
cl = parallel::makeCluster(6)
bngeneplotCustom(results = pway,
                        exp = vsted,
                        expSample = incSample,
                        R=20, cl=cl, fontFamily="alien", labelSize=6,
                        pathNum = c(15), strType="normal",
                        showDir=F, hub=5, glowEdgeNum=5, strThresh=0.6,
                        strengthPlot = T, sizeDep=F, dep=dep, layout="kk",
                        textCol="#EE9537", titleCol="#EE9537",
                        barPal=c("#9239F6", "#FF4373"),


6.4 Comparing multi scale and standard bootstrapping

cl <- parallel::makeCluster(6)
comparePlot <- bngeneplot(results = pway,
                          exp = vsted, cl=cl, strType="normal",
                          pathNum = 15, R = 50, returnNet=T,
                          shadowText = TRUE)
comparePlotMS <- bngeneplot(results = pway,
                          exp = vsted, cl=cl, strType="ms",
                          pathNum = 15, R = 50, returnNet=T,
                          shadowText = TRUE)

kable(comparePlot$str %>%
    filter(direction>0.5) %>%
    arrange(desc(strength)) %>%
from to strength direction
TOPBP1 ATR 0.9814815 0.8657407
BRCA1 RAD51AP1 0.9629630 0.5243056
ATR RFC2 0.9444444 0.5648148
RFC5 XRCC3 0.9074074 0.5160384
CHEK1 RAD51 0.8518519 0.8022487
RAD51AP1 CHEK1 0.8333333 0.7468585
kable(comparePlotMS$str %>%
    filter(direction>0.5) %>%
    arrange(desc(strength)) %>%
from to strength direction
BRCA1 RAD51AP1 0.9974312 0.5885859
RFC2 ATR 0.9968008 0.6932430
BRIP1 BRCA2 0.9922096 0.7125908
DNA2 BLM 0.9903698 0.5422446
BLM DNA2 0.9903698 0.8090673
TOPBP1 RMI1 0.9892198 0.5154026


Gallo, Cristian A, Rocio L Cecchini, Jessica A Carballido, Sandra Micheletto, and Ignacio Ponzoni. 2016. “Discretization of Gene Expression Data Revised.” Brief. Bioinform. 17 (5): 758–70.
Hahsler, Michael, Sudheer Chelluboina, Kurt Hornik, and Christian Buchta. 2011. “The Arules R-Package Ecosystem: Analyzing Interesting Patterns from Large Transaction Data Sets.” J. Mach. Learn. Res. 12 (57): 2021–25.